Rift - Free to play! Update 2.3: Empyreal Assault

Rift is going free to play and it seems like it's going to kill.  It will be "entirely free-to-play with no trials, no tricks, and no traps" and also mentions that they want to keep a level playing field between paying and non paying players.  Bill Fisher, the Creative Director of RIFT was quoted saying "The aim is to keep free and paid players on the same level — this is not pay-to-win," as well as"Players will see key differences between RIFT and other MMOs that have adopted free-to-play: we don’t restrict content, and we don’t offer pay-to-win items."  I'm not sure how they are going to encourage players to pay if they don't limit something though - just a thought.


Find the download on the RIFT website here.


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