Click the tabs below to cycle through various boss strategies for the first wing of the Siege of Orgrimmar raid.
[tabs tab1="Immerseus" tab2="Fallen Protectors" tab3="Norushen" tab4="Sha of Pride"]
Immerseus Normal/Heroic
This boss fight is very simple. There are two main parts to this fight. The main part is against Immerseus himself. Start by spreading the group around the circle evenly. Divide the healers up to cover specified sections. No DPS should be on the 2 tank platforms. The tank platforms are the 2 on either side of the entrance. Bloodlust/Time Warp on pull. Every now and then he will spawn puddles under Every player in the raid. These puddles do a lot of damage and should be avoided. He also has a Swirl ability in which he shoots out an aoe damage in a ring covering near the entire circle. You cannot avoid it and should just be ready to heal through it. After you DPS him down he will Split. He unleashes little puddle creatures around the zone. You must heal the white ones to full HP and DPS down the black ones (Yes racism is indeed in WoW too). After that Immerseus will reform with less health than the last time. His HP is determined by the amount of black puddles that you have killed. While he is reforming he activates an ability that damages the entire raid. The damage that is done is determined by the amount of white puddles that you fully heal (The more you heal the less damage
is done). Healers should be ready to mass heal at this point. This repeats multiple times until his HP reaches 0. You can indeed single tank this boss. Simple as that. Collect your loot and head up the stairs to the next boss
Immerseus Mythic
The fight is the same as in Normal/Heroic except the damage is much greater. The method that I recommend for this is the line method. Everyone including the tanks need to go to the back platform (Opposite of the entrance, the leftmost platform in the picture below). The tanks are on the leftmost side of it (facing the boss). The rest of the group must be in a line on the right side (Single file). Spread the healers out evenly through the group. Every time the puddles appear under you, simply move one space to the left. Tanks to the right. Other than that follow the same methods as the Normal and Heroic. You can easily single tank this boss.

Advised 10 Man Composition
Tanks: 2
DPS: 6
Healers: 2
Advised Mythic 20 Man Composition
Tanks: 2
DPS: 14 +- 1
Healers: 4 +- 1
Advised 25 Man Composition
Tanks: 2
DPS: 18
Healers: 5
Fallen Protectors Normal/Heroic
This is a fight that you actually have to pay attention when playing it. There are three bosses Rook, He, and Sun. There HP can be divided into 3 sections. At every benchmark increment they activate their special ability. One tank must tank Rook along the left wall. The other tank must tank He in the back right corner. Sun cannot be tanked. Start out with all DPS on Rook. Once he reaches 2/3rds HP he will summon 3 Adds. Just DPS them down fast and you will be fine. Next divert ALL DPS to He. Again at 2/3rds HP he will summon more adds. DPS Them and you will be fine. Now onto Sun. Dps her to 2/3rds HP and she will create a Shield in the middle of the zone. All players should enter the shield for a debuff that nerfs incoming attacks. There will also be adds so kill those fast. Randomly throughout the fight barrels will be thrown at players. Everyone must run away from the location that player was standing when you see the barrel tossed. Keep DPSing in the same order, kill adds, rinse and repeat. Remember all three bosses must die within 15 seconds of each other or the dead boss will come back with a significant amount of HP. Tank tip: Always keep Rook facing away from the group. He has an AOE stun which also does a bit of damage. Even when you are grouped in the middle for Suns attack keep him facing away from everyone.
Fallen Protectors Mythic
The Mythic version of this fight is generically the same as before except much more damage is being done to the group. The real zinger, is that the barrels that are tossed at players are 1-shot-kills. So just avoid those at all cost. Other than that nothing else really stands out. Good luck and may the bonus rolls be ever in your favor.
Advised 10 Man Composition
Tanks: 2
DPS: 6
Healers: 2
Advised Mythic 20 Man Composition
Tanks: 2
DPS: 13
Healers: 5
Advised 25 Man Composition
Tanks: 2
DPS: 17
Healers: 6
Norushen Normal/Heroic
This fight is slightly more complex than the last. Norushen will summon a Sha creature that the group must fight. He will stand in the very middle of the room and CANNOT move. He is stationary. Two tanks are recommended for this fight. Yellow orbs appear around the room at several points throughout the fight. To use them you must right click it and you will enter another dimension. In this other dimension you must complete a role specific task. DPS must kill 5 adds. Tanks must survive for about 45 seconds against/kill an add whichever comes first. Healers must heal 3 friendly adds while they kill an enemy add. Completing these tasks will cleanse you enabling you to take less damage from the Sha and are now able to do much more DPS to it. Send your top dps and a tank early. Then the next top DPS. The other tank should go after that. Healers have last priority for orbs. Instead the healers need to soak the harmful purple orbs that appear around the zone. Lust at 25% HP. The group should stack at the bottom of the circle (refer to picture below). The tanks should tank him facing north-east. Every now and then he will summon a huge beam that will loop 360 degrees around the entire circle. When the beam gets close to the group the leader should call out. “360 degree rotation, to the right/left!”. In which in unity the group should move in a circle around the boss to the specified direction back onto the stack spot. At no point in time should people spread out of stacking unless to get an orb or to kill an add.
Norushen Mythic
Nothing extra special is in the heroic fight other than harder cleansing zones and higher damage output.
Advised 10 Man Composition
Tanks: 2
DPS: 6
Healers: 2
Advised Mythic 20 Man Composition
Tanks: 2
DPS: 13
Healers: 5
Advised 25 Man Composition
Tanks: 2
DPS: 17
Healers: 6
Sha of Pride Normal/Heroic
The whole group should gather behind the Sha to buff up. Then have both tanks go to the northeastern corner. Do not lust on pull. Several times throughout the fight the Sha will imprison players around the map. It only takes two players to release them. If the player is imprisoned close to the DPS then 2 DPS/Healers should go and free them. To free a player you must simply step on the glowing orange plate. If they are imprisoned near the tanks then the tank that is currently tanking the boss should go to the nearest plate and the off tank should go to the other. Make sure that the active tank doesn't get too far away from the boss or he will unleash a huge aoe most likely wiping the crew. Make sure to watch your pride bar at the bottom of the screen and act accordingly (Check table at the bottom) when he casts Swelling Pride. Every now and then an add will spawn behind the group. Nuke him right away. He/She has priority. Well if youve made it this far then you have downed the infamous Sha of Pride and Completed the first wing! Congratulations!
Sha of Pride Mythic
Do not use Heroism on the pull. Raid should be loosely stacked as much as possible for better AoE healing. Try to close Rifts as much as possible, as soon as debuff is off close another. Tanks need to pick up Sha Reflection adds and kill them, DPS need to focus boss. Watch your pride level and act accordingly to the chart below. When the Add spawns in the back of the room nuke it. Healers should be dispelling all debuffs as much as possible. On the second phase (At 30%) use bloodlust and pop all cooldowns. The damage taken by players is much greater in this phase. Other than that Same Tactics as the Normal/Heroic. Well done! You have killed the Sha! GL to you on your loot.
- 0-24 Pride - No additional effect occurs.
- 25-49 Pride - Bursting Pride - A large purple void zone at the player's location which explodes after 3 seconds, dealing damage and increasing Pride by 5.
- 50-74 - Projection - A projection of the player spawns 15 yards away, indicated by a green arrow pointing at a purple ground effect. It will explode after 8 seconds, dealing raid wide damage if the player is not standing on it.
- 75-99 - Aura of Pride - Deals AoE damage to all allies within 5 yards of the affected player, spread out to mitigate this.
- 100 - Overcome - As soon as a player hits 100 pride they are "Overcome", increasing their damage and healing by 50%, but causing the next Swelling Pride cast to permanently Mind Control them.
Advised 10 Man Composition
Tanks: 2
DPS: 6
Healers: 2
Advised Mythic 20 Man Composition
Tanks: 2
DPS: 14
Healers: 4
Advised 25 Man Composition
Tanks: 2
DPS: 18
Healers: 5